10 Ways to Help Your Pastor (and Help Yourself!)

10 Ways to Help Your Pastor (and Help Yourself!)

[These are from some notes I took at a meeting of the Fellowship of Northwest Independent Baptist Pastors in June, 1994.  Dr. Jim Vineyard was the speaker. I recently found them in the flyleaf of one of my old Bibles.]

10 Ways to Help Your Pastor, Your Church, and Yourself

When you help your pastor, your are helping your church. When you help your church, your are really helping yourself, since you are part of the church. So, do yourself a favor and help your pastor…

  1. Treat your pastor with love and respect (1 Thess. 5:12-13).
  2. Follow him as he follows Christ (1 Cor. 11:1)
  3. Pray for him daily. Praying for your pastor will keep you from being angry or bitter towards him.
  4. Obey him in all Scriptural matters (Heb. 13:7, 17).
  5. Do not speak against him or listen to those who do (1 Tim. 5:1, 19).
  6. Support him financially (1 Tim. 5:17-18).
  7. Encourage him. Say, “Amen” while he is preaching.  Tell him when he has helped you. [NOTE: He has probably helped you the most when he has either rebuked you or corrected some error in your life.]
  8. Be patient and understanding with him and his family.
  9. Stay busy serving the Lord.  It is usually idle people who cause most of the pastor’s problems.
  10. Be a blessing to your pastor by bringing souls to Christ and to church.

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