


Finally, brethren, farewell. —2 Corinthians 13:11

Carrie Underwood recently released a song titled “The Good in Good-bye.”  That song got me to thinking what is “good” about saying “good-bye.”  Personally, I don’t like saying “good-bye,” to people I love.

Some good-byes are not “good” good-byes, like when a family is broken up by divorce. It is not a “good” good-bye when a disgruntled church member leaves a church. When Orpah said “good-bye” to Naomi and Ruth to return to her gods, it was not a “good” good-bye (Ruth 1:14-15).

Other “good-byes” are more-or-less expressions of “good-riddance.” I’m looking forward to saying “good-bye” to this wicked world—Good riddance!

Some good-byes are sad good-byes. In Acts 20 Paul bids the elders at Ephesus tearful good-bye as he departs to go to Jerusalem.  The elders weep because they knew they were see Paul’s face no more (vs. 27-28).

It is a “good” good-bye when saying “good-bye” to one thing, makes us stronger in something better—Like saying “good-bye” to a bad habit, or besetting sin, that hinders us in running the race God as placed before us.

A “good” good-bye would be one necessitated by someone doing the will of God.  For example, a missionary says “good-bye” to his home church to go serve God on a foreign land.  It is a “good” good-bye because the will of God is good (Rom. 12:2).

Some “good-byes” in life are hard to understand. But, as Carrie sings, “Someday you’ll see the reason why—Sometimes there’s good in good-bye.”

The truth is, Christians never say “Good-bye” for the last time.  You may say “good-bye” to a loved one as they depart this world to go to heaven. But if they are saved, you will see them again.

I’m glad when we get to heaven, there will no more “good-byes.”

4 Replies to ““Good-bye””

  1. excellent thought ! God has really revealed on you the mystery of “good by”
    May God bless you more than before.

  2. Thanks for sharing Bro.
    We dont hear many “new” songs about Heaven
    Found this old hymn any one know the tune?

    There are no Goodbyes in Heaven

    With friends on earth we meet with gladness, while swift the moments fly.
    Yet ever come the thought of sadness
    That we must say ‘goodbye.’

    We’ll never say goodbye in Heaven, we’ll never say goodbye
    For in that land of joy and song, we’ll never say goodbye.

    How joyful is the hope that lingers,
    When loved ones cross death’s sea,
    That we, when all earth toils are ended,
    With them shall ever be.

    We’ll never say goodbye in Heaven, we’ll never say goodbye.
    For in that land of joy and song, we’ll never say goodbye.

    No parting words shall ever be spoken
    In yonder home so fair.
    But songs of joy and peace and gladness,
    We’ll sing forever there.

    We’ll never say goodbye in Heaven, we’ll never say goodbye.
    For in that land of joy and song, we’ll never say goodbye.

    From an old hymn book called “Choice Hymns of the faith”
    (We’ll never say Goodbye)

    God created Heven and eart and all that is in them in SIX DAYS….What has He been preparing all this time……Wow

    DaveM ( near Nottingham)

  3. This is my son’s last testimony given at the church in Statesboro that you preached: http://www.youtube.com/results?


  4. I enjoyed this….Made me think of my wife’s comment at my son’s viewing last year. A lady said to my wife: “I am sorry that you lost your son” to which she quietly responded: “How can he be lost if you know where he is?”

    God bless,

    Evangelist Max Alderman

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