The Weakness of a “Sheltered” Life

That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto. —1 Thessalonians 3:3

Parents who bend over backward to make their children happy are setting them up for disappointment in the future. Parents who seek to shelter their children from all risks or sadness are giving them a false view living in a hostile world and fail to prepare them for the harsh realities of adult life.

Likewise, some Christians expect the Lord to be that kind of parent who shelters them from all sorrow and hardship. However, God is not that kind of Father. Like the father of the prodigal son, He allows His children to make mistakes, and suffer afflictions so they can learn from them.

Children brought up with the idea that the easy life is the happy life, are in for a reality check. Life ain’t easy, and that is what makes us strong. When we face the truth that life is difficult, we can invest our lives in the pursuit of a good and godly life instead. That kind of life strengthens us for the times when life is difficult.

God’s goal is to make us strong and holy, not just happy.  And that should be the objective of all parents for their children. You may make life easy for your children now, but it will be harder for them when they’re old.

One Reply to “”

  1. Amen Preacher.
    Though I’ve never had the luxury to give my children a stress free life, I am encouraged that the true and frankness that they do see may give them at least a glimpse into what may enter their path as an obstacle or stepping stones.
    Their paths don’t have to mirror friends or those we know. It is a fallen world. They are their own stewards on their journey to God, His mercy and grace.

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