Baal’s House Full — God’s House Forsaken

Baal’s House Full — God’s House Forsaken

Baal’s House Full — God’s House Forsaken

The house of Baal was full from one end to another.” —2 Kings 10:21

Why is the house of the Lord forsaken? —Nehemiah 13:11

How sad when houses of “Baal” are better attended than the house of the true God!  Sports stadiums are filled to capacity on Sundays. Movie theaters are crowded to see the latest entertainment “Baal” has to offer.  “Baalite” religions continue to thrive, while most fundamental churches that are true to God’s Word sit half full (or less).   Why is this?  What makes “Baal” seem more attractive than the Lord Jesus Christ?

We can blame it on “the signs of the times”… the dazzling advances of motion picture production… the zeal of false religions to proselyte new members… OR, is it due to the complacency of Bible-believing Christians to win souls?

I don’t have a definitive answer except to offer the suggestion that until there is revival amongst the saints, Baal will continue to draw bigger crowds than Bible believing churches. As Leonard Ravenhill once noted, “Nothing in the world is more attractive to the masses as fire.”  When John Wesley was asked why he drew such large crowds to hear him preach, he answered, “I just set myself on fire, and people come to watch me burn!”

Oh Lord, Set My Soul Afire!” 

One Reply to “Baal’s House Full — God’s House Forsaken”

  1. Dear Pastor,
    I agree with you. Today most churches are half empty. I believe the saints have to set them selves on fire , We need a anointing of the Holy Sprit….so the churches get moving and their be life.

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