Lots of busy this season!
The holidays are some of the busiest days of our lives. This year we don’t have added choir and special music activities at the church, so it seems somewhat “relaxed.”
The other day my husband surprised me with flowers! Christmas cactus have always intrigued him and mine died years ago. [I guess I need “hints” on how to live with them compatibly.] Isn’t it lovely?
Joy and I treated Ruth to a “night out” for her birthday. We got all dressed up and I even wore my hair in an “UP-DO”.
Anders was performing in the high school “Madrigal Feaste”. He sang his heart out and wouldn’t stop for the photo op, even!
Ruth eating her “utensil-deprived” birthday dinner: Cornish game hen, baked potatoes, green beans, apple cider, soup and bread, followed by bread pudding. Great meal!
We were the last stop for the teen progressive dinner earlier this month, so we hurriedly put up our decorations and broke out the elf hats for the event. I forgot to get one for the dogs, so I will photoshop them in for another project.
Pastor James is doing a great job with our teens… helping to turn their hearts to their parents. The night was a sweet time of fellowship.