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John 8:12 [9:5]
This is one of several “I Am” statements made by Jesus. In these “I Am” sayings, Jesus is providing us with a “self-portrait” of who He is and why we should trust Him. Jesus first says who He is—“I am the light of the world…” Next, why we should trust Him— “he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
SETTING: The temple (8:2, 20). The Jews have been celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles (7:2, 37). This feast commemorated the forty years Israel wandered in the wilderness living in tents.
Jesus linked Himself to Israel coming out of Egypt and journeying through the wilderness:
As “the Lamb of God” (1:29), He is linked to the Passover Lamb that redeemed Israel out of Egypt.
As the “Bread of life” (6:32-35), He is linked to the manna that fed Israel in the wilderness.
As the “living water” (7:37-39), He is linked to the water from the Rock in the wilderness.
As “the light” (8:12), He is linked to the pillar of fire that lighted the way of Israel through the wilderness.
The CHARACTERISTICS of Light. No one fully understands exactly what light is.
- The DUAL nature of light—For 300 years scientists have debated whether light is particle or a wave. Today scientists conclude it is BOTH—even though they admit that is “impossible.” They call it a “wave” when it does what a wave is expected to do, and they call it a “particle” when it does what a particle is expected to do. According to all the present evidence, light is not part particle and part wave, but it is ALL wave and ALL particle, ALL at the same time.Jesus Christ has a DUAL NATURE—He is not part man and part God—Jesus is all God and all man all at the same time.
- Light is invisible—God is light and therefore is invisible (1 Tim. 1:17). Dr. M.R. DeHaan, MD, in The Chemistry of Light 1 writes:No one has ever seen pure light. No one has ever seen sunlight. The things which we really see are the objects which the light reveals… “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” We cannot see God. Only as we see the light reflected in the Person of Christ do we see Him.The only way we know light exists is by the manifestation of light through mists and dust particles in the atmosphere.Likewise, God is known by the manifestation of Himself in the Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is “the image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15). Jesus said, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.”
- The SPEED of light. Light travels 186,282 miles per second. It is the universal, absolute standard of speed. Einstein’s equation E=MC2, theorized that everything—even time itself—is relative to only one existing constant: The speed of light.Jesus, the Light, is the absolute standard by which all other things are measured and judged.
- Light is essential for life. “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 1:4—“In him was life; and the life was THE LIGHT of men.”
Whatever we eat ultimately came from the energy of the sun’s light. By the process photosynthesis, green plants convert light energy into stored energy. When we eat the plant, we are consuming the energy that was once light.
The Lord Jesus Christ is “the light of life.” No Jesus—No Life.
I. Christ’s CLAIM –I am the Light of the world…
Jesus is the light of the intellectual world— In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3)! The world will never solve it’s problems apart from Jesus. The world says the answer to unwanted pregnancies is abortion… The answer to murder is gun control… The answer to peace on earth is disarmament. None of these answers solves the problem. When you leave Jesus out of your problem, you’ll still have a problem.
Jesus is the light of the social world—Think of what this world would be like if Jesus never came. Everything worth having in this world was made possible by Christ’s coming.
Jesus is the light of the musical world—How many wonderful songs and pieces of music would we miss if Jesus had not come.
Jesus is the light of the religious world. Religion is reliance.
What (or who) you rely on for salvation is your religion. Your religion is no stronger than what/who you are relying upon.
Is Jesus the light of YOUR world?
A. The light speaks of the PRESENCE of God.
- God told Moses His name is “I AM THAT I AM.” When Jesus says “I AM…” He is claiming deity for Himself (v. 58).
- The pillar of fire over the tabernacle assured Israel that God’s presence was among them (Ex. 33:9-10). Jesus was saying He was presence of God among them (John 1:14).
B. The light speaks of the PURITY of God.
1. Light is the symbol of purity and holiness. Light is the absence of darkness—“God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).
2. The Bible likens sin and death to darkness. Hell is called “outer darkness” (Mt. 8:12; 22:13), because God is not there and there is no life there.
3. When Jesus bore the sins of the world at Calvary, there was darkness over all the land for three hours.
C. The light speaks of the PATH of God (Num. 9:15-21; 10:11-12).
Jesus is the light that guides our way. When He leads us to move in a certain direction, we should move. We don’t move until He moves.