Clayton, North Carolina

Clayton, North Carolina

We’ve arrived safely at Clayton, North Carolina.  Our truck is running great since being repaired. Praise the Lord!  Clayton, North Carolina is south of Raleigh, NC.  Temps are between 50 and 70 degrees this time of year. Very nice!

We had a great time with George and Angela Sharpe today! So much fun!  I was their pastor while George was in the Navy and stationed on the USS Camden at Bremerton.  They were faithful members at Bible Baptist in Port Orchard from 1996 to 2005.  George preached at one of our New Year’s Eve Watchnight services at BBC.  They later moved back to North Carolina and now serve the Lord at Fellowship Baptist Church in Clayton, NC (  This is the church we are currently camped at.  What a blessing to see them again and spend some time with them this week!

Fellowship Baptist is located on about 18 acres of land. It is a great church!  The pastor is Dr. Charles R. Ennis who founded the church in 1968.

Fellowship Baptist Auditorium

They have their own radio station (WHPY). [You can tune-in on your radio if you live in this area, or listen on-line at]  The Clarksville Theological Seminary is also a ministry of this church. It offers several degrees.

Clarksville Theological Seminary building

Barb and I are looking forward to spending some time here until Friday when we head towards Anderson, SC (Lord willing).

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2 Replies to “Clayton, North Carolina”

    1. Thanks Candy. We are happy doing what God called us to do. Keep praying for God to continue to lead us. We love you!

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