Birth of a Sermon

Birth of a Sermon

Smiling Physician near New Family“The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to calve.” — Psalm 29:9

Preaching is sometimes like delivering a child. A child is conceived in a mother… grows within her… Her excitement grows as the delivery date approaches. Finally, that which was conceived is eventually born.  A room has already been prepared in her house for the newborn to live in when it arrives.

The same process takes place when a sermon is birthed in a preacher’s heart. A seed of Scripture is planted. Then the truth of that Scripture begins to takes form. The preacher is excited as it is developed. Finally the day comes when the sermon is delivered in a room of people ready to receive it. There will be someone in that room whose life has been prepared for the truth of that sermon to live in.

Next time you are at church, may your heart become a room for a sermon to live in.

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