In the beginning God…” —Genesis 1:1

CreationAs we enter a new year, it is important we start with God.  It is fitting that 2012 starts on “the Lord’s Day.”

If I would make a wise start, it must begin with God—“The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom” (Ps. 111:10). Jesus said, “I am Alpha.” All must start with Him or end in disappointment. The very beginnings of my thinking must be of Him.

“They who seek me EARLY shall find me.” If I would be wise in my daily activities, I must start my day with the Lord. As Jesus said, “Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness.”  My daily agenda must be determined by giving Him preeminence.

How will you start 2012?  How will you start each new day?  What will initiate your thoughts and dreams for the months ahead? May each new beginning start with God (Gen. 1:1) and end with Amen (Rev. 22:21).

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