“If The Lord Be God…” what then?

“If The Lord Be God…” what then?

“How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him.” —1 Kings 18:21

I prepare hand out study guides for my S.S. lessons and sermons where our people can “fill in the blanks.” I’m not sure how effective it is, but at least our people have a convenient way to take notes if they so choose.

A few weeks ago I did something similar in a couple of devotions I sent where I challenged my readers to complete a Bible statement in their own words.  For example, a verse like Philippians 1:21: For me to live is ________Fill in the blank.  Is it money, popularity, prestige, etc.?  Or, Romans 14:8: Whether we live, we live unto ________.”  We live unto WHAT? Fill in the blank.

Todays text offers another “fill in the blank”— If the LORD be God,” WHAT THEN?   For example: If the Lord be God,”  then…I have nothing to fear; I need not worry about my needs; I can live victoriously; I can trust Him with my life; etc.

Why don’t you try it right now? You fill in the blank space. If the Lord be God,” then _______.

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