Talent versus Character

Talent versus Character

Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue—2 Peter 1:5

PRINCIPLE: Everyone rises or falls to their own character level.

A person’s talent or abilities may take them so far, but they will eventually regress to the level of their character. A basketball player’s talents will get him a good salary, but if he doesn’t have the character to match his talent, he’ll lose it in the end. A football player may have a lot of ability, but it takes character for him to be a great football player. Talent alone will never make a man great. Only character can do that. A preacher’s charisma and oratory ability will gain him an audience, but if he doesn’t have character, it will come to naught, and he’ll fall.  Sadly, it happens all too often.

Never mistake your talents or abilities for character. Character, virtue, integrity, and principles will take you farther and keep you there, more than talent or ability alone.  Therefore, allow God to develop character in your life.

Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.” —Proverbs 19:1

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