Dead Men Talking

Dead Men Talking

he being dead yet speaketh. —Hebrews 11:4

Even after you are dead and buried your voice can still be heard. A part of you will remain alive, speaking in the remembrance of those who knew you. What will men hear when they think of you?

The voice of Cain still speaks of his jealousy.  Abel still speaks of his faith. Dorcas speaks through her coats and garments which she made. Judas Iscariot speaks betrayal.

Yes, even after you are in the grave your voice will still be speaking. What will it say?  For some, it will be about their wealth… some about their goodness… some about their faithfulness… some about their selfishness… others about their graciousness.

Our characters do not die when our hearts quit beating.  Our deeds and our dominant dispositions persist as a friend or a foe in the lives of those we have influenced. By them we, being dead, continue to speak in subtle ways that will either help or hinder those on the pilgrim pathway.

What will your life still to speak of after your physical presence is gone?

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