Overcoming the Green-Eyed Monster

Overcoming the Green-Eyed Monster

Saul eyed David from that day and forward. — 1 Samuel 18:9

Green-eyed monster

When King Saul heard the ladies in the streets singing the praises of David, it galled him and he became jealous.  Shakespeare called jealousy a “green-eyed monster.”  Solomon said jealousy is like bone cancer (Prov. 14:30).  It corrupts… conspires… and consumes everything in it’s path including the one inflicted with it.

Jealousy knows no bounds. People get jealous over…

  • another person’s wealth or possessions
  • another person’s position or job
  • another person’s talents or success
  • another person’s popularity or good looks
  • another person’s spouse, or boyfriend or girlfriend
  • Even another person’s church or ministry! (Amen, preachers?)

I recently read about an incident in the ministry of F.B. Meyer. He was holding Gospel meetings in Northfield, Massachusetts, large crowds thronged to hear him.  Then the great British Bible expositor, G. Campbell Morgan came to Northfield and people were soon flocking to hear instead.  Meyer confessed at first he was envious.  He said, “The only way I can conquer my feelings is to pray for Morgan daily, which I do.”

The best way to defeat a feeling of jealousy it pray for the person you are envious of. I can testify from experience—It really works!

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One Reply to “Overcoming the Green-Eyed Monster”

  1. What an important truth to give to all of the subscribers! I may use those thoughts in a message some time. Thanks

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