Reduced Resources

Reduced Resources

The LORD said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me. —Judges 7:2

When an army is about to go into battle, military commanders would prefer to have more than enough troops than too few. However, when the battle is the Lord’s, God prefers a small army over a huge army.

Gideon recruited 32,000 men to march against the Midianites only to have God reduce the troops down to a meager 300. That is a 99% reduction.  Why did God do that?  Because God didn’t want Israel to think they won the victory without God.

Our abundance of resources can become an enemy to our faith. Sometimes God will reduce our resources so we must trust Him instead of our abundance.  God wants us to depend on Him, not our own strength, whether physical, financial, or intellectual.

So, when the Lord reduces your resources by 99% He is preparing to be glorified through your life as you acknowledge your need and trust Him.

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