Al’s Quotes & Quips for April

Al’s Quotes & Quips for April

Al’s Quotes and Quips for April

Here are some more quotes from the margins and fly-leaf of my old Bible I used as student in Bible College (1969-1974).

  • “If any say, ‘This is difficult,’ let such know that Christians must do difficult things. Every bungler can make good work from good timber, but he that can make good work from that which is crooked and knotty is worthy of commendation.” (John Rogers)
  • “Patience is accepting a difficult circumstance from God without giving Him a deadline to remove it.” (Bill Gothard)
  • “According to a foremost authority on the English language, the word maintenance is the most important word in the English language.” (Dr. Herbert Noe in a sermon at Galilean Baptist Church)
  • “A spiritual person is one who loves God and loves heaven. An unspiritual person is one who loves self and loves this world.” (Dr. Peter S. Ruckman)
  • “Look at problems as challenges… trials as opportunities for growth… setbacks as stepping stones of faith… losses as a chance to trust God to supply… weaknesses as a channel for God to glorify Himself.”
  • “You can tell the character of a man by how he treats someone who can do nothing for him.” (Dan Reeves, coach of the Denver Broncos)
  • “Living on a budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.”
  • “Don’t judge cases that are not in your court.” (Dr. Peter S. Ruckman)
  • “You must have a goal before you can score. If you can’t see it, you can’t hit it.”

More quotes from the margins of my Bible coming next month.

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