Faith Versus Worry

Faith Versus Worry

…this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. —1 John 5:4

At our church we sometimes sing the little chorus, “Why Worry When You Can Pray?” A great truth in that chorus.  But the opposite is equally true: “Why Pray When You Can Worry?”  That is, you cannot pray and worry at the same time—They are incompatible. If you pray, don’t worry. If you worry, don’t bother praying.

Worry is akin to fear and it has a paralyzing effect.  Worry never solves anything. It is a waste of time. It drains you emotionally.

Worry is sin, because it is a manifestation of unbelief. “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23). Worry is opposite of trusting God. Worry magnifies your problem above God, thereby turning your problem into an idol.

When you worry, you are focused on self and not the Lord. Instead of “Looking unto Jesus” (Heb. 12:2), we are looking away from Jesus to our problem(s).  I read where someone said, “Ego means ‘Edging God out.’” Amen! That is what worry does.

Worry makes you the victim, but faith gives you the victory.  How do you overcome worry?  By trusting God that He is working all things for good (Rom. 8:28).

So, what are you going to do? Trust God and pray? Or, fret and worry? Take your pick. You cannot do both.

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4 Replies to “Faith Versus Worry”

  1. This is EXACTLY what I needed this morning.. I am a constant worrier. If I worry too much all that worrying turns into a panic attack. Learning to put Philippians 4:8 into my life as well. Thank you for the devo.

  2. This message came to my inbox while I was praying ALONG with worrying. “God, I’m so worried!” But,I wasn’t asking Him to help me with my worry. It’s extremely hard to stop worrying when you are facing a terrible trial. Worry creeps in, and Satan loves to watch me stop praying and focus on myself, and the problem at hand. Thanks for this little devotion. I hope my new idea of beginning prayer with a request that God free me from worry, and help me to pray in freedom from it is the right thing to do. Darci Togesen

  3. Worry wears but faith repairs.
    Count it all JOY when you face various trials! When you come to the end of yourself and you don’t know what to do, then get excited because now you are in exactly the right place for God to work a miracle! When He rescues you from the lions den , oh what joy! You can’t stop telling everyone about Him and what He’s done and God is glorified!

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