The Benefits Of Giving
Prov. 11:24-25; 22:9
There are many passages in the Bible that promise a return for liberality in
giving (Luke 6:38). But don’t expect to get rich through giving.
I. Giving BRINGS BLESSINGS. God blesses obedience (Mal. 3:8-10). I don’t give
because the Lord needs my money. I give because I need the Lord’s blessing.
- Blessings of God’s provision (Mal. 3:11; Phil. 4:15-19).
- Blessings of joy (1 Chron. 29:9).
- Blessing of satisfaction (2 Chron. 31:4-10).
- Bondage of self.
- Man is selfish by nature.
- ILLUS: A baby, or toddler
- The unsaved live as though God did not exist– using
all God’s resources on himself, without any acknowledgement of
- Giving, goes against man’s carnal nature. We are to deny
- Man is selfish by nature.
- Bondage of covetousness.
- Covetousness makes a person a slave to self.
- Covetousness is broken when a man realizes everything he
has is a sacred trust from God and is given as God leads (1 Tim.
6:6-18). - Bondage of ingratitude. Stingy people are unthankful
- Builds the believer’s character.
- Giving is evidence that a man can be trusted with other
things. - Giving is evidence that a man is concerning with eternal
things. - Builds the believer’s career. A person seeks to be a better
employee knowing he is a steward and desires to give more unto the Lord.
- Giving is evidence that a man can be trusted with other
- Builds the believer’s church.
- Buildings are built with money.
- Pastor’s are supported with money.
- Missionaries are sent by money.
- Ministries are funded with money.