The Benefits Of Giving

The Benefits Of Giving

Prov. 11:24-25; 22:9
There are many passages in the Bible that promise a return for liberality in
giving (Luke 6:38). But don’t expect to get rich through giving.
I. Giving BRINGS BLESSINGS. God blesses obedience (Mal. 3:8-10). I don’t give
because the Lord needs my money. I give because I need the Lord’s blessing.

  1. Blessings of God’s provision (Mal. 3:11; Phil. 4:15-19).
  2. Blessings of joy (1 Chron. 29:9).
  3. Blessing of satisfaction (2 Chron. 31:4-10).


  1. Bondage of self.
    1. Man is selfish by nature.
      1. ILLUS: A baby, or toddler
      2. The unsaved live as though God did not exist– using
        all God’s resources on himself, without any acknowledgement of
    2. Giving, goes against man’s carnal nature. We are to deny
  2. Bondage of covetousness.
    1. Covetousness makes a person a slave to self.
    2. Covetousness is broken when a man realizes everything he
      has is a sacred trust from God and is given as God leads (1 Tim.
    3. Bondage of ingratitude. Stingy people are unthankful


  1. Builds the believer’s character.
    1. Giving is evidence that a man can be trusted with other
    2. Giving is evidence that a man is concerning with eternal
    3. Builds the believer’s career. A person seeks to be a better
      employee knowing he is a steward and desires to give more unto the Lord.
  2. Builds the believer’s church.
    1. Buildings are built with money.
    2. Pastor’s are supported with money.
    3. Missionaries are sent by money.
    4. Ministries are funded with money.

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