And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding FRUIT AFTER HIS KIND, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. —Genesis 1:11

When God created the herbs of the field, He said, “Let them bring forth after their kind” (Gen. 1:12). Whatever we sow, we’re going to reap. It is the LAW OF SOWING AND REAPING—“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). If you sow to the flesh, you will reap corruption. On the other hand, if you sow to the spirit, you eternal things.

A.W. Tozer put it this way: “DEEDS ARE SEEDS.” Every seed you sow is going to sprout. If you sow weeds, you’ll get weeds. If you sow flowers, you’ll get flowers. If you sow deeds of love, kindness, and compassion, you’ll reap a harvest of love, kindness, compassion. On the other hand, if you sow seeds of hatred, bitterness, criticism, you will reap the same.

What do you want? Do you want friends? Then sow seeds of friendship? Do you want encouragement? Then sow seeds of encouragement in others? Jesus said, “Give, and IT shall be given unto you” (Luke 6:38).

You are sowing your own future, and the seeds you sow are the deeds you do. Our today is bound to all our yesterdays, and our tomorrow will be a harvest of the seeds we have sown in the past and today. It is a LAW OF GOD.

Remember, “Deeds are Seeds,” so be sure you are sowing good seed and not weeds.

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