One of my favorite Bible verses is Proverbs 24:16 — “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again…” You’ll notice it doesn’t say, “IF a just man falleth.” Sooner or later, we all stumble and fall. Everyone falls down, now and then.

I recently read about a lady who was afraid to try ice skating because of the fear of falling on the ice. An experienced skater told this lady, “Oh, you have to fall down.” By falling you learn how to be a better skater.

The same is true in life. A baby will never learn to walk without falling down a few times. If we never fall down, we aren’t taking risks. It seems that the requirement to fall down during our journey is one of life’s ironies. We must fall down (and thus, feel pain) so that we can succeed. Show me someone who never falls and I’ll show you someone who spends their life sitting and not moving forward.

The key to falling down is to (1) learn from your experience; and (2) get back up, smile, and try again! You’ve just moved one fall closer to getting it right!

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