A Dog’s Tale — LOYALTY

A Dog’s Tale — LOYALTY

Be thou faithful unto death — Revelation 2:10

I recently purchased the DVD “Hachi—A Dog’s Tale.” I highly recommend it. It is the true story of a bond of loyalty with a man and his Akita named “Hachi.” Hachi would follow his master to the train station each morning to watch him leave for work. At 5:00 each afternoon Hachi would faithfully return to the train station to greet his master and walk home with him.

One day Hachi’s master boarded the train for work, but at work died from a fatal heart attack. However, at 5:00 that afternoon Hachi came as usual to the train station to greet his master. But on this day, his master did not return. Hachi remained at the train station until dark waiting… and waiting… and waiting. Hachi returned to the train station everyday for the next ten years to wait for his master to return. Hachi eventually died at the train station waiting for his master. A bronze statue of Hachi stands at this same train station today as a tribute of loyalty (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachiko)

God impressed upon my heart a couple of lessons from this true story of Hachi:

1. Why are some dogs are more loyal to their master than many Christians are to their Master, the Lord Jesus Christ??? As Isaiah wrote of Israel, The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. — Isaiah 1:3

2. We need to be faithful unto death waiting for our Master’s return!

Do yourself a favor, watch the movie “Hachi” and learn a true lesson of loyalty and being faithful unto death! (BTW… Have a box of Kleenex handy).

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