Ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular” —1 Corinthians 12:5 

We see them often standing on the side of the road with their thumb sticking out seeking a ride. The hitchhiker’s thumb says, “You buy the car, pay for the gas, the maintenance, and insurance — And I’ll ride along with you.  But if you have any car-trouble or an accident, don’t expect any help from me. I’m out of here!”

Hitchhikers are not only found on roadsides, but also can be spotted in the pews of local churches.  Their non-committal behavior says, “You go to the meetings, sing in the choir, teach in the Sunday School, work in the nursery, take care of the building maintenance, pay the bills — And I’ll come along for the ride. But when things don’t suit me, I’m out of here.  I’ll stick my thumb out to find better ride.”

Such is the level of loyalty in many church goers today. They want no accountability, discipline, or discipleship.

Church “hitchhikers” can be spotted by their vocabulary: “I go to…” or “I attend…” but never “I belong to…” or “I’m a member of…”

The Christian “hitchhiker” was unheard of in the New Testament. Christians viewed themselves as members of a body that contributed to overall benefit and growth of that body (1 Cor. 12).

Are you a “hitchhiker” or are you a member working together for the good of the whole (see Eph. 4:16)?

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2 Replies to “HITCHHIKERS”

  1. Donnie says this will preach. We printed and will use for Sunday School. Thanks…Have a Great and blessed New Year.

  2. Jerry and I were just talking about this subject last evening. It is very hard for me to understand why folks come, but only for one service and don’t want to come to more and don’t want to get involved. All I can figure is that they truly don’t KNOW the owner of the car.

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