“All Things Work Together For Good”

“All Things Work Together For Good”

All things work together for good to them that love God…” —Romans 8:28

“All things work together for good…” What good?  Not what we consider “good,” but what God considers “good.”

And what is the good that God is working for in our lives?  The answer is in the next verse—To be conformed to the image of his Son (Rom. 8:29). The “good” is God producing the likeness of His Son in us!  It doesn’t get any “gooder” than that.

Several years ago I was at a Bible Conference at Galilean Baptist Church in Livonia, Michigan.  Dr. Peter Ruckman was also in that Conference. Bro. Ruckman is a great artist as well as a preacher.  Between services he was painting a large mountain scene for behind the baptistery.  It was huge.  We watched as he began to work.

He began splashing on various shades of paint, in what appeared to be an haphazard manner—Some gray here; some green there; a little blue in another place. After about an hour he asked, “Well, Brother Hughes, What do you think?”  I said, “To be honest, it doesn’t make much sense to me… All I see is several blotches of paint on the wall.”  Then he said, “That’s because you see only what is there.  But when I look at it, I see what is GOING TO BE THERE.” (See image below)

God is painting a picture of His Son in your life and He is using “ALL THINGS” to do it.  Some of those things may not make you happy, but they will make you more like Jesus!

And that’s a good thing!

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2 Replies to ““All Things Work Together For Good””

  1. Always get a blessing out of these devotions. I have built some of my greatest lessons and sermons from them. When I build from them, God is blessing people through your ministry through me.
    Thank You Pastor Hughes
    Richard Magby

    1. God bless you Brother Magby. I rejoice the devotions are helpful and a blessing. May the Lord cause your work for Him to bear much fruit to the glory of God.

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