The Nearness of the Lord

The Lord is at hand. —Philippians 4:5

Our Lord is not afar off.  I may meet Him at anytime. Therefore I must always conduct myself as if the next knock at my door will be Him.  When I am walking, I must assume that He will meet me just around the next corner.

I read of a mother whose son had gone away but promised to return. She set a place at the dinner table every day believing he would return at any moment. She said, “My son’s seat is always ready for him.”  May I always have a place for Jesus in all my affairs—My choices… my pleasures… my work… my recreation.  He may come right now, therefore may His place always be ready.

Jesus said, Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh(Mt. 24:44).

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  1. Preacher,

    If I could live up to this standard I would already be in Heaven!

    I think where I see this need most is in dealing with casual encounters with the elderly population. John Prine wrote a song about this some years ago called “Hello In There”, and although I do not have or remember the lyrics I have not forgotten the message. It spoke of the despair and loneliness that many of our elderly citizens live with daily and urged us to simply say “Hello”.

    I was in a nursing home last week and met an elderly lady named Carol. Of course I took my dog with me to break the ice. Carol related to me that just a few months ago she had undergone a five way bypass and has a long history of heart problems. We talked for about ten minutes and Carol shared with me that for a time she had difficulty with trying to sort out why she was still alive. She said that she finally realized that God had left her here to be a witness to him. How refreshing to find an 80 plus year old that was focused on witnessing to the other residents of the nursing home. I received a very big blessing by simply saying “hello”.

    Many blessing to you sir. Dewey

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