“Give me that mountain!” — Joshua 16:12

I recently received a prayer request from a parishioner who honestly confessed becoming apathetic in life. This is a common condition that often afflicts people as they approach the latter years of life. With most of their life is behind them they “feel” they don’t have much to look forward to. Passivity is a dangerous spiritual condition. If left unchecked it can spill over into backsliding and even suicide.

Caleb was one of the 12 men Moses sent to spy out the land of Canaan. He was 40 years old at that time. Because of the unbelief of the other ten other spies, God judged that generation and sent them into the wilderness for 40 years. The only ones of that generation who would enter the promised land would be Joshua and Caleb. God promised Caleb he would eventually receive the ground his feet tread upon as an inheritance. 45 years later Caleb claims his inheritance—”Give me that mountain!” Nothing apathetic about this 85 year old “senior citizen.” He was not ready to “hang up his spurs.” He held on to a lofty goal and was eager to fight to reach it!

I have a preacher friend with ALS. He is in his 70’s and confined to a wheel chair. Yet he is a constant inspiration to me. Here is a old man who has every excuse to sit back and live “The Life of Riley.” Yet, he keeps pushing himself to do all he can for God. He phones other pastors to encourage them… He writes great articles for his blog… He prepares sermons and continues to preach from his wheel chair… He ministers to his family… He stays so busy, he doesn’t have time to become apathetic or bored. He still has goals!

Apathy (or boredom) comes from having no challenging goals and falling into a rut of being content with the status quo. The best cure for an apathetic condition is set some goals worthy of the God who saved you and get busy going after them. Don’t allow yourself to become self satisfied, and don’t make excuses why you can’t do more for God (physical aliments… work schedules… lack of finances… etc.).

Pick a “mountain” (a lofty goal) and claim it for God’s glory. Then do whatever it takes to possess it! God will pump adrenalin into your faith and your spirit will be energized! Be like Caleb, a man with “another spirit” (Num. 14:24). Boredom will evaporate!

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