A Great Mother

A Great Mother

2 Kings 4:8-37 (read vs. 8-17)

This is the only reference in the Bible to “a great woman.” This is significant! And what makes even more significant is she is unnamed! There are people history calls “Great”— Alexander the Great, Gregory the Great, and Leo the Great. But, they are not so great when compared to whom God calls great.

God calls this Shunamite woman was “a great woman.” And when God calls this Shunamite “a great woman,” you can be sure, she was great!

Wherein was her greatness? It was not in her popularity, prestige, prominence, or plenty.

FOUR THINGS that attributed to her greatness:

I.    She was CONSCIENTIOUS of her spouse. (vs. 9-10).

A.    She would not do anything without first conferring with her husband. Instead of acting independently, this “great woman” sought her husband’s consent and cooperation (cf. v. 22).

B.   The first thing about being a good mother is to be a submissive wife. No woman is a great mother who is not first a good wife. A mother’s first responsibility under God is to her husband. A mother who puts her children ahead of her husband out of tune with God.
How much martial strife could be avoided if wives would follow this great woman’s example???

II.   She was CARING to God’s servants (v. 8 cf. v. 13).

 It was her care for God’s servants that lead to her having a child.


1. She took notice of Elijah passing by her way regularly. Here she saw an opportunity to be a blessing to one of God’s servants and took advantage of it!

Galatians 6:10— As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

2. Often people complain of a lack of opportunity when really it is a lack of observation! Opportunities abound to be a blessing if we would look for them. [ILLUS: Meals for the sick].


1.    She discerned that Elisha was not just “a man of God,” but “a HOLY man of God.” Her perception showed she was holy herself.

2.    This kind of perception comes only by walking with God and knowing the Scriptures. You can only recognize holiness by being acquainted with holiness.


  1. She opened her home. She TOOK INITIATIVE in providing for God’s man. She given to HOSPITALITY.
  2. We should open our hearts and homes to caring for those doing God’s work without complaining about it

(1 Pet. 4:9).   Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love… Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. Romans 12:10, 13

Her provisions speak of (1) thoughtfulness; (2) simplicity; (3) wise stewardship.

III.     She was CONTENT in her situation (vs. 12-13).


Partial Sermon: Sermon PDF-A Great Mother

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