A Lesson From “Dingo”

A Lesson From “Dingo”

There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. —Luke 15:10

I recently read a story about a fisherman named Harry Tupper. He is a fishing legend in Idaho. There is even a spot on Henry’s Lake on the east side of Idaho named after him called “Tupper’s Hole.”

Tupper had a dog name Dingo. Dingo would sit alongside of Harry in his boat and watch intently while he fished. When the old fisherman hooked a big lake trout, Dingo would bark enthusiastically until the fish was netted.

Reading that story reminded me of Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep… the lost coin… and the lost prodigal son being found. When the lost was found there was great excitement and joy. It was a picture of the excitement and rejoicing in heaven when a lost sinner repents and is saved.

Jesus likened soul winning to fishing for souls (Mt. 4:19; Luke 5:10).  May we be as enthusiastic as Dingo and rejoice loudly whenever we see someone catch a soul in the gospel net for Jesus!

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One Reply to “A Lesson From “Dingo””

  1. I appreciate these devotionals and will share them with my congregation. I too am a pastor of a small but old independent baptist church. My prayers are with pastor Al Hughes and his congregation. God bless you all.

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