A Love That Is Known?
If any man love God, the same is known of him. –1 Cor. 8:3
Paul was saying in our text that if a person loves God it will be known. Loving God cannot be hidden. There is no such thing as “secret love” when it comes to God. It will be obvious to all if a person really loves God.
How will it be known? Here are some evidences of true love:
- If you love someone, you will try to please him (John 14:21-23). Are you seeking to please God?
- If you love someone, you will love his family. (John 13:35; 1 John 4:21- “He who loveth God love his brother also.”) Are you loving God’s family?
- If you love someone, you give to them (Luke 7:36-48; 2 Cor. 8:7-8). Does your love for God show up in your check-book?
- If you love someone, you will want to serve them. What are you doing for God?
- If you love someone, you will think about him. Do you think about God throughout your day, or is your mind occupied with lesser things?
- If you love someone, you’ll communicate with him. How much time to you spend in prayer to God?
- If you love someone, you like to brag about them to others. Do you publicly brag about Jesus to other?
- If you love someone, you will avoid his enemies.
- If you love someone, you desire to be in their presence.
- If you love God you’ll love what He loves and hate what He hates (BTW… He loves the church)… You’ll love good and hate evil… You’ll love truth and hate falsehood… You’ll love honesty and hate hypocrisy… You’ll love humility and hate pride.
You get the idea. The question is: How does your love for God measure up?
“Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” —1 John 3:18