A new day dawning…

A new day dawning…

Last night was one of the saddest days for us in a long time. One of our church’s young men passed away suddenly. A father of two teens, he loved and cared for them with all his life! He worked two jobs to provide a home for them. We saw him in church on Sunday and he was laughing with his friends and family.

Today as I walked through my foyer at home, I noticed a pink and rosy glow coming through the windows. I stepped outside to the most beautiful sunrise I have seen for many months!
As I went back for my camera, I thought of sweet Lonnie West, now walking on streets of gold and seeing a BRAND NEW DAY in heaven with his Savior!
This too shall pass… please pray for his dear children who no longer have their loving daddy. We hope they will look to their heavenly Father in the future!

Sunrise from my porch January 7, 2010

4 Replies to “A new day dawning…”

  1. You are so right. I enjoyed that sunrise so much and then to get the sad news from Patti about Lonnie. Your words were perfect.

  2. Very well said Barb, it is a joy knowing that Lonnie was GLORIOUSLY saved….praying for the family and you all as you minister to them now and the future.

  3. Lonnie was a faithful servant of Christ. When he got saved, he was transformed. He served the Lord running our church sound equipment, sang in the choir, and served faithfully on one of our G.R.O.W. teams. We miss him, but look forward to that day when we'll see him in the air (1 Thess. 2:19)

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