A new START… 2009

A new START… 2009

To think its actually going to be 2009… amazing!
2008 was such a FAST and eventful year… where did it go? 
Now a new year awaits… another chance to do it RIGHT! 
What will you do RIGHT in 2009? Will you spread a little joy and happiness and merriness? 
(A merry heart doeth good like a medicine! Prov 17:22). 
Will you be a dose of “good medicine” to those you interact with?
Don’t be a grumbling, mumbling critic! Don’t rain on everyone’s parade… SMILE! It’s contagious! Spread JOY like there is no time to waste!

2 Replies to “A new START… 2009”

  1. Love your post…it gives me more to work on this year. Being happy usually comes easy for me but there are some days I really struggle with having a cheerful countenance. Thanks for the reminder of how my mood and actions can affect those around me.

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