A New Year’s Challenge

A New Year’s Challenge

“Ye have not passed this way heretofore…” —Joshua 3:4

Here we are with a New Year before of us. This is new ground with new challenges and new opportunities.

As Joshua was about to lead the children of Israel across the Jordan River into the Promised Land, he set the ark of the covenant before them (Josh. 3:3). The people were to keep their eyes on the ark and follow. Of course, the ark is a type of Christ and we are to follow Him into 2011.

Inside the ark of the covenant were three items. First, there was the pot of manna. This is a type of God’s SUPPLY, how God provided for Israel in the wilderness. As we make our way through the wilderness of 2011, we are promised that God will supply all our needs through Christ (Phil. 4:19).

Second, there was Aaron’s rod that budded. God used Aaron’s rod to SEPARATE God’s people from those who were in rebellion against the Lord (Num. 16). We must watchful in 2011 that we live SEPARATED lives from the world (2 Cor. 6:14-17).

Thirdly, the ark contained the tables of stone written by the hand of God (Dt. 10:1-3). This is a type of the SCRIPTURES, God’s Word. If we are to successfully navigate through 2011, we must mediate in His Word day and night. Make Bible study a priority in 2011.

These three things will help you face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities you encounter in 2011.

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