A Positive Response To Negative Situations

A Positive Response To Negative Situations

A Positive Response To Negative Situations

But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel. — Philippians 1:25

     Paul maintained a positive outlook to what looked like negative circumstances in his life. His hardships, sufferings, and imprisonments lead to the gospel message going where it would not have gone otherwise.

When Paul and Silas were beaten and imprisoned at Philippi they sang praises at midnight.  Suddenly an earthquake shook prison and the prison doors were opened.  The Philippian Jailer was ready to take his life because he feared prisoners had fled.  But Paul and Silas called out and saved his life and lead him to Christ.  What convinced that hardened jailer to be saved?  It was how he observed Paul and Silas respond in a positive way to their adverse condition.

The difficulties we endure in life are opportunities for us to be a testimony of God’s grace before others. Some of the greatest lessons about the Lord and His grace have been taught to me by friends I know in how they respond positively to difficult situations in their life.  Instead of whining and complaining, they use their sorrows as opportunities in grow in the Lord and glorify Him!  As one author wrote, they don’t “waste their sorrows.”

We are preaching a sermon in our time of suffering.  What kind of message are you preaching when life gets hard?

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