A Servant’s Devout Praise

A Servant’s Devout Praise

Luke 2:25-30

Last Sunday we considered how the Savior’s Drawing Power led Simeon to the baby Jesus when Joseph and Mary brought Him to the Temple to present Him unto the Lord. Jesus would have been about a month old at this time.

Simeon was a servant of God (v. 29). In this message we will look briefly at this Servant’s Devout Praise.

I.  His WALK (v. 25). Two things characterized his walk: He was JUST and DEVOUT.

A.  Being “just” involves outward CONDUCT before men. Simeon was morally upright.

B. Being “devout” involved inward CONSECRATION towards God.

1. “Devout” means “absorbed…devoted.” To be circumspect (careful not to dishonor God).

2. Cornelius is another example of “a devout man” — “A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway” (Acts 10:2). Cornelius was a God fearing man who was generous in giving and consistent in his prayer life.

3.  No wonder the Holy Ghost was upon Simeon. In this dispensation of grace, the Holy Ghost indwells every believer. But sadly, not every believer walks in the Spirit or is filled with the Spirit. We are commanded to “be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). The only way to be filled with the Spirit is to “walk in the Spirit” and not in the flesh.

4.  Can it be said of you that you are “just” in your relationship with others and “devout” in your relationship towards God?

II.   His WAITING (vs. 25-26).

Simeon means “he who hears.” Simeon heard God’s Word (cf. v. 29). Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). He knew what God’s Word said about the “consolation of Israel” (Isa. 40). He was waiting for it’s fulfillment—waiting on God’s promise that he would not die until “he had seen the Lord’s Christ” (v. 26).

A. He was ANTICIPATING the promise — He lived in anticipation of seeing “the Lord’s.

Everyday Simeon would go to the Temple thinking to himself, “Perhaps today He will come.” At night his final thoughts before going to sleep, “Maybe tomorrow.”

B. He was ABSORBED with the promise. We don’t know how long he waited (days/months/years?). But, it doesn’t matter when you have God’s promise. God will fulfill His promise.

Partial Sermon: CLICK HERE for full SERMON PDF

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