A Trip Back in Time
Our family (the Kecskes side) came to America from Hungary through Ellis Island before the first world war. Eventually they bought 80 acres of land in Carleton MI and settled their family on Otter Road.

Over the years I have thought of the old farm, and wished I could visit there again. Today was the day…
As I drove to the homestead via the newer Interstate, I saw familiar street names on the exit signs. We drove many of those roads to “the farm”. Their names all “tickled” a memory in me.
Some things at the farm remained the same, and so much has changed. Off the gravel road, the driveway was still two graveled tracks to the back door entrance. A three car garage now stands where Grandma’s “summer kitchen” and chicken coop once stood. We sat in a cozy sitting room that was added on behind the kitchen and pantry that I remembered.

My mom’s cousin, Pat, still lives in the house and cares for her mother, Julia, the last survivor of the original Kesckes children. Aunt Julia is now 88 years old.
I was explaining to my husband that Pat, who is close to our age, is actually my mother’s cousin. She is the daughter of Great Grandma Kecskes’ YOUNGEST daughter. Thus, MY grandmother, Alice, (the OLDEST daughter) had her first child (my Aunt Jean) about two months before her last sibling was born.

Today I sat in my Great Grandma Kecskes’ own rocking chair, and visited her daughter and granddaughter, in her house. I can’t explain the emotions that I had today. Surrealism in real life?

The last time I remember seeing my Aunt Julie was in this house just after she remodeled the kitchen. Since then, Pat’s husband remodeled it again. Many of Pat’s cousins live around her, and some bought pieces of the farm. Today the farm land has been parceled out, and is nothing like it was when I was a girl.
This incredible week has been a trip through time. Thank you for traveling back with me!

ADDENDUM: I meant to ask Pat if she knew whether my mother was born in that house. I only knew she was born in that town. YES, she was, as well as several of Great Grandma’s children. Wow… I have been where my own mama was born!
10 Replies to “A Trip Back in Time”
That is incredible. The Geck family farm in Glen Ullin ND moms family bring those emotions out . Went back last summer it had been 20 years since my last visit. It was like a home coming at the bbq. The elders brought out old letters calendars military service awards of great uncles and aunt’s it is just incredibly special. love to you both
What fun memories. Glad you’re able to go back and see the old Homestead
What happy memories. that’s great you get to go back and see the old Homestead
Barb…so glad you are enjoying your family and memories☺☺☺
How special to be able to sit in your great gramma’s rocker and see your Aunt Julia and cousin Pat on the farm you used to visit as a child. It looked so cozy.
So wonderful that you got to take this trip both physically and emotionally.
It was so nice to see you & to meet your husband Al. Bettie Jean also likes coming out to reminisces about the good time she & mom had growing up.
That’s so awesome!
This brought tears to my eyes. I grew up on that farm. Loved the memories. I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. Great to see Aunt Julia and Pat.
Glad I could stir your remembrance a bit. Thank you for sharing.