Ah… space, the best frontier!

Ah… space, the best frontier!

The post-Christmas clean is refreshing, isn’t it? The tree is down, boxed and gone! The ornaments and decor are packed away… I can’t wait to vacuum up the debris! I LOVE that “SPACE” created in the void! The next project is the kitchen with cookie crumbs, candy wrappers and other stuff to clear away! 

AND the family room’s view today is LESS SNOW…YAY! Like the wicked witch of the west, it’s “melting”! It’s almost gone…  I can feel spring around the corner, well… perhaps a month or two off, but I am getting cabin fever… flowers are developing in the process… in my computer designing, if not in my garden!
The fence blew down in the wind storm and the neighbor’s sweet yellow lab , Abby, as expanded her territory to include our yard! Our noisy dogs object loudly! We will have to rebuild the fence and install at least one fence post, as two 8 foot sections blew over. [We may need to leave air space between the cedar boards this time. This is the second or third time this section has fallen in wind storms. Maybe we should have bought cyclone fencing at the beginning!]
Winter will pass… sometime! Hopefully soon! BLOOM, flowers, BLOOM!

4 Replies to “Ah… space, the best frontier!”

  1. Hmmm…well, I don’t want to rush spring. I wouldn’t actually mind another snow storm. It was a lot of fun 😀

    As I have said many, many times…”LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!”

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