All Your Needs

All Your Needs

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:19

This is a wonderful promise of God. But I think many Christians fail to grasp the fullness of this promise.  Most Christians limit this promise to God supplying their monetary needs.

But, this great promise also refers to God supplying a good friend when you need one… or a word of encouragement when you’re discouraged… or, for healing when you are sick… or, wisdom to make a decision… or, a job… or, maybe a fiery trial to make you stronger.  Someone said, “Sometimes God must turn your world upside down so you can live it right side up.” Whatever you need—money or otherwise—God promises to supply it.

It is also important to understand God promises to supply our NEEDS, not necessarily our wants (although He will sometimes give us what we want, even if may cause us grief after we get it! See Psalm 106:15).

What do you need?  To be honest, I don’t know what I need most of the time. However, one thing I know I need all the time—GOD’S GRACE!  So I pray: “Lord, give me grace to deal with whatever may come my way.” Amen!

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