Amy’s house…

Amy’s house…

I woke up at “Amy’s House”…

This past two weeks we were caring for Al’s infected cyst, then it’s removal and wound care. I remember thinking I would like to just get away for a few days with hubby. Apparently my mind decided to go without me!
Amy is a sweet and soft-spoken friend I met on the message board that I frequent. I spent some time with her when I went to the convention in October. I see her smiling face whenever I visit the board. She is a Christian and has been an encouragement to me a few times when I have been “down”.
Amy told me she lives in the San Diego area and works at the big zoo there. Having only been to San Diego a few times, last night as I dreamed, my mind conjured up some beautiful home for her family on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean… more like Monterey than San Diego, actually. And I woke with a chuckle that the few minutes of peaceful interlude at the ocean was “just the ticket”… I felt renewed and refreshed for the new day. [and I didn’t have to go thru the airport security checks, either.] Thanks, Amy! It was a lovely visit!

2 Replies to “Amy’s house…”

  1. Dad is doing much better, though still nauseous from the meds he ended last Sat. The wound is healing nicely and he can move around better. (not up to exercise, but movable). At least he can get some work done!

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