Anyone Seen Jesus?

Anyone Seen Jesus?

Luke 2:41-45 tells about a time in Jesus’ chidhood when Joseph and Mary went to the Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. On their way back to Nazareth they supposed Jesus was with them, but they couldn’t find him. In the commotion of getting packed to go home, they forgot Jesus.

Jordan Detzer was invited to preach in a certain church a week before Christmas. During the service he noticed there was a nativity scene near the altar. As he took a closer look, he saw only farm animals by manger. There was no baby in the manger. When the time came for the sermon, he walked to the nativity scene and asked the congregation if they had seen Jesus. Everyone looked puzzled. He told them, “I looked all over the manger but can’t find the Baby Jesus anywhere.”

A woman in the choir responded, “I know where Jesus is. He is still in the box we haven’t unpacked yet. In all the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas, we forgot to unpack the baby Jesus.”

Let’s not forget Jesus this Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season.

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