Are You Drooping?

Are You Drooping?

There is more to salvation than just escaping hell and going to heaven. We are not merely saved FROM HELL, but we are saved TO AN ABUNDANT LIFE. Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

I’ve noticed that the lives of many Christians often resemble a clothes line with wet clothes pinned on to dry. The line is firm on each end, but drooping in the middle. These Christians know they’ve been saved (firm on that end) and they know they are going to heaven when they die (firm on that end). But, their life is sorely sagging in the middle. They know they’re saved and going to heaven, but they’re sagging along the way.

Are you living the abundant life, or is you life sagging? Has life got you weighted down? When my mother hung clothes out to dry, she would prop up the clothes line in the middle with a wooden pole. If you life is sagging, ask the Lord to give you a heavenly boost. David said in Psalm 55:22, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee” — i.e. “prop you up!”

One of the best “props” to keep your life from sagging is to be in church every chance you get. Come to church and get a spiritual boost this Sunday!

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