Ask the Blind Man, He Saw it All

Ask the Blind Man, He Saw it All

John 9:1-7

The Booth Brothers had a popular gospel song a few years ago about the healing of this blind man in John 9. The title of the song was, “Ask The Blind Man—He Saw It All” (vs. 15, 19-21). I’d like to use the title of that song as the title of my sermon on this text.

As Jesus passed by He came upon a man blind from birth (v. 1).

I.   The MEANING of the handicap. (vs. 1-3)

A.   Disciple’s judgmental ATTITUDE (v.2).Thedisciplesweremore concerned about the cause of the blindness than helping.

1.   They were talking like Job’s friends when they tried to blame Job’s suffering on sin.

2.  You see this same attitude in Acts28:4.

B.  Christ’s judicious ANSWER (v. 3). “Sin is not the issue.”

The question is not, “Who caused this blindness?” What difference does it make? The man is blind. Let’s not be concerned with who is to blame. Let’s be concerned with helping situation.

The question is, “How can God’s power be manifested in his suffering?” We must always remember this when misery strikes. Misery always opens the door for ministry. It is an opportunity for God to manifest His power (cf. 11:4).

Jesus statement sheds some light on the age-old question of why God allows suffering to exist in the world—ANSWER: So He might “showcase” His mercy… His compassion… and His saving grace. None of these things could be known if sin or suffering never entered the world.

II.  The Motivation of the Healer / Jesus (vs. 4-5).
  1. Jesus was motivated by three things:A.  The SIGHT of the man (v.1—“…saw a man…”)

    1. Jesus saw tragedy—The disciples talked theology.

2. Jesus had compassion—The disciples had contempt!

B.  The SENSE of His mission (vs. 3-4).

1.    His compulsion to work.”I MUST work…”—What compelled Jesus to work? He recognized the work was GOD’S WORK (Luke 2:49, “…I MUST be about my father’s business…”).

a)   Jesus was working “…works of HIM…” We’re not doing church work… Bible study work… ushering/greeter work… musical work… custodial work… nursery work… lawn work… office work… visitation work… sign waving work. We are doing “the works of Him!” This is GOD’S work!

Partial Sermon: CLICK HERE for full Sermon

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