Be Specific In Your Prayers

Be Specific In Your Prayers

“…she prayed unto the Lord… give unto thine handmaid a man child…” —1 Samuel 1:10-11

Hannah prayed specifically. She was barren and wanted a baby. But not just any baby—She prayed specially for “a MAN child.” And God granted her request and Samuel was born.

Generalized prayers are generally powerless. Who would come into the presence of an earthly king with a string of generalities, not one of which was immediately wanted or expected? Prayer meetings are often strangled to death by indefinite petitions offered which are not expected to be answered.

When I got saved, I had very long hair (and proud of it!).  But my co-workers  doubted if I was really saved.  Unbeknownst to me, Gordie, the man who lead me to Christ, asked Gar, one of my co-workers, “What would it take to convince you that Al really got saved?”  Gar said, “When Al gets his hair cut, I’ll believe it.” Gordie asked Gar, how soon do you want see Al with a hair-cut?” Gar said, “Tomorrow.” So Gordie got on his knees right then and prayed, “God, You heard Gar’s challenge. Show Him Your power by convicting Al to get his hair cut by tomorrow this time.”

I didn’t know anything about this conversation. On the next day as I was washing my face I looked in the mirror and thought, “I don’t look much like a Christian. I need to get a hair cut.” So, on my way to work, I stopped at the barber shop and got a “man style” hair cut. As soon as I stepped in the shop, Gordie saw my hair cut and shouted “Hallelujah!” and pulled me over to Gar and said, “Hey Gar, look at Al’s hair-cut. Do you believe it now?” Gar shook his head in disbelief and said, “You told him didn’t you?” No, I knew nothing, but God did! God heard a very specific prayer request made in simple faith, and answered.  There was no doubting the answer because it was specific.

How would you know if God specifically answered your prayer if there were no specifics in your request.  The more specific your request in prayer the more glorious will be the answer when it comes!

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