Begrudging Satan

Begrudging Satan

Satan seeks to do three things:

  1. Hurt God.  Since Satan cannot hurt God directly (frontal assault), he will seek to hurt God by hurting the lives of those God loves.  When an adversary knows he cannot hurt you directly, he will seek to attack and hurt those you love.
  2. Damn as many souls to hell as he can.  The only joy or satisfaction Satan will have in eternity is seeing the multitudes of souls he successfully damned to burn in hell forever (Isa. 14:9; cf. Ezek. 31:2-8, 15-18; 32:2-8, 18-32 especially v. 31).  What an awful thing how anyone could be so depraved and sadistic that the only satisfaction they have is knowing the number of people’s lives they’ve ruined forever. That is the depraved character of the devil.  “The depths of Satan” is the pleasure and satisfaction he derives from seeing people suffer.
  3. Since Satan knows he can never damn the soul of someone who is already saved, he will do everything he can to keep them from leading others to Christ.

I want to begrudge and deprive Satan of any pleasure or satisfaction.  Therefore, I’ve given my soul to Christ and seek to live to please God.  I’m going to do all I can to win souls to Christ, so Satan cannot damn them.

I never want to give Satan any reason to be happy!  How about you? What has the devil ever done for you except cause you trouble and seek to damn your soul?   Let’s give the devil a “black eye?”  You can start by giving your soul to Jesus Christ!  Then, live for Christ the rest of your life and win others to Christ, so Satan cannot have them. He’ll hate that!

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