Being “Real”

Being “Real”

Being “Real”

“Jesus beholding him loved him —Mark 10:21

We are told, “Just be yourself.” Well, there are some people I just can’t “be myself” around.  If they knew all my flaws, weaknesses, and the kinks in my armor, they would use them against me.

I am only “myself” around the people I know love me unconditionally.  If I’m going to let out a belch, or act stupid, I’m only going to do it around my family and my closest friends. They love me for what I am, and when I make an utter fool of myself they don’t believe I’ve done a permanent job of it.

There is a direct correlation between “realness” and love—You will only be “real” before others to the degree in which you know that they love you.

Jesus knew all about the shortcomings of the rich young ruler, but He still loved him.”  Therefore, when I go before God, I can be real, because He knows all my quirks, warts, and sins, but loves me anyway!

And He loves you too, so you don’t have to “fake it” in His presence.

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