Beware of Getting Off the Trail

Beware of Getting Off the Trail

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. —Proverbs 14:12

We are currently in Arizona. I’m an avid bike rider.  Last night Barb and I took a nice bike ride and enjoyed a beautiful Arizona sunset.

But this morning at a men’s Bible study I was told about a man who decided to ride his bike “off-road.”  He hit a rock and fell off his bike on top of a rattlesnake.  The snake bit him on the leg.  He had to go 30 minutes to get to a hospital with the calf of his leg badly swollen.  See the story at this LINK:

The moral of the story is: Beware getting off the main trail—Stay on God’s path.  Stay on the right path!  You might be bitten by “the serpent!”

One Reply to “Beware of Getting Off the Trail”

  1. Wow, that is a good one. God’s trail is the best! How we get in trouble when we wander off of it. You and Barb are the best. Have a great time on your travels. Love you both.

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