Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter

Partial Outline- FULL PDF HERE

Luke 10:29-37; John 4:3-9, 27

The account of the good Samaritan is a story about Jewish prejudice. After Jesus states the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself, a lawyer asks, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers by recounting the story of the “good Samaritan” (Luke 10:30-35). Jesus then asks, “Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?” The answer is obvious—The Samaritan is the neighbor. The people the lawyer was commanded to love as himself were Samaritans, a race of people the Jews despised!

This Jewish prejudice is illustrated again in Jesus’ dealing with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:3-9, 27).

There is a lot of prejudice in America today. The word “prejudice” means to “pre-judge” someone without any evidence to make a judgment. Someone is judged unfairly. Pre-Judging occurs on both sides—black and white.

This morning I want to speak on the subject “Black Lives Matter” under three headings: (1) The FRUSTRATED slogan. (2) The FAULTY reply. (3) A FINER response.

I. The FRUSTRATED slogan

The “Black Lives Matter” movement began out of a perceived prejudice, or the unfair treatment of black people. Black people in America have felt like their lives don’t matter—That their lives are not as valuable as other people’s lives. Hence, frustrated blacks capsulized their feelings in the three word slogan—“Black Lives Matter.”

“Black Lives Matter” has become an emotionally charged political movement. To be clear, I do NOT support the BLM organization. If you read the BLM statement of beliefs, no Bible believing Christian could support it. The BLM organization affirms globalism, transgender, and the gay life-style—All are unbiblical issues.

But, we must make a distinction between the BLM as an organization and the individual black person who is hurting and feeling he does not matter.

II. The FAULTY reply.

The chant “Black Lives Matter” is often answered by saying, “All Lives Matter.” Nothing is made better by answering back with another simplistic slogan. It only tends to stoke the fire that is already burning.

Partial Outline- FULL PDF HERE

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