Breakfast at Galilee

Breakfast at Galilee

John 21:1-14

This is the third time Jesus has appeared to His disciples since His resurrection (v. 14).

The disciples were instructed to go to Galilee where the Lord would meet them (Mt. 26:32; 28:7, 16). They travel from Jerusalem up to the Sea of Galilee (approx. 70 miles). This was their old “stomping grounds” where Jesus first called them to follow Him 31⁄2 years earlier.

I. The IMPULSIVE decision (vs. 1-3). “I go a-fishing…”

Is there anything wrong with fishing? No… except when you are supposed to be doing something else! (JOKE: Man who missed church. Someone told the preacher: “He was at the ball game.” The preacher confronted the man: “I hear you skipped church to go the ballgame.” He denied it saying, “I did not go to the ballgame and I have the fish to prove it!”

Why did Peter decide to go fishing? Was he discouraged? Was he backsliding and returning to his former occupation? Or, was he getting just restless waiting on the Lord?

A. Time of WAITING.

1. They are where Jesus told them t one, waiting for Jesus. Waiting on the Lord are often times that are hard on the flesh. Waiting upon the Lord requires discipline.

2. What do people usually think about while they are waiting— The PAST and the FUTURE.

While Jesus was present with them, all their needs were provided. Just before Jesus was arrested to be crucified He asked His disciples, “When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.” (Luke 22:35).

B. Time of WORRYING.

“Now what are we going to do?” There was no money coming in. They were not involved in any “ministry.” “How are we going to make it? Jesus isn’t here… How are we going to live without Jesus here to provide for us?”

1. Tired of waiting and wondering, Peter simply did what most anyone would do when they needed money—Go back to doing he had been successful doing before—He was a successful commercial fisherman. “Hey guys, we need some cash…I go a-fishing.”

2. And the other six say, “Amen! Let’s go!”   The problem with doing our own thing is others are influenced by our little actions (v. 3). Never underestimate the power of influence.

3. “IMMEDIATELY…”(v.3). No deliberation (“Let’s talk about this first.”)… No caution (“Is this really a good idea?”). No prayer (“Let’s pray first.”). This decision was completely impulsive.

And what was the results of this impulsive decision?

II. The INEFFECTIVE endeavor (vs. 3-5). ILLUS: Fishing at Clarkston!

No fish? What was the problem?

A. The TIME? No, nighttime was the prime time for fishing. Application: Now is the time of the harvest (John 4:35).

B. The BOAT? No, it was a boat made for fishing.

Application: Our boat is our church facility. There is nothing wrong the facility. Good location; parking; comfortable seats; air conditioned.

C. The NET? No, the net was strong. It did not break. 153 “great” fish (3-5 lbs. each = 550-700 lbs. of fish).

Application: What is the net we use to catch fish? The strong net of the Gospel—The power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16). Nothing wrong with the Gospel.

D. The SEA? No, there were plenty of fish in the Sea of Galilee.

Application: Our “boat” is in the sea of Port Orchard. There are plenty of fish in our community. Nothing wrong with the fishing hole / harvest.

E. What’s left? The fishermen! Something wrong with the fishermen!

  1. This fishing expedition is a picture of self-directed service. It is all initiated by the self-will of Peter. It is the efforts of the “natural man” (the flesh), self-will, and self-wisdom. God cannot bless the work of the flesh.
  2. Jesus didn’t tell them to go to Galilee to fish. He called them out of the fishing business to fish for men. It was not God’s will for them to be out on the Sea of Galilee fishing.
  3. Miracle of Jesus keeping the fish away from their fishing boat all night. Christ used this situation to illustrate the futility of working in our own strength and wisdom (Ps. 127:1).When our work is not Christ-directed our nets will be empty.When we are following Christ, He will make us fisher’s of men.

    At this point, the disciples were not following Christ. They were following Peter.

Partial Sermon: Sermon PDF-Breakfast at Galilee

One Reply to “Breakfast at Galilee”

  1. Dear Respected Pastor Rev. Al,

    Loving greetings in Jesus and good wishes for New Year.

    I liked much your sermon Breakfast at Galilee, which is power packed and full of insights of our Resurrected Lord and Saviour. I will use this for the ensuing Passion Week meetings somewhere at Gujarat.

    I praise God for your ministry !

    Thanking you,

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