“…build thou the walls…” —Psalm 51:18

Non-denominational organizations advocate tearing down denominational walls.  One contemporary Christian song says, “Let the Walls Come Down” referring to removing walls of doctrine that divide one religion from another.  The world urges us build bridges. “Let’s bridge the generation gap.” Another song refers to “a bridge over troubled waters.”

However, God emphasizes WALLS, not bridges. There is not one reference to “bridges” anywhere in the Bible.  On the other hand, there are over 250 references to “walls” in the Scriptures.

God likes walls. The New Jerusalem, our heavenly home, has WALLS around about her!

The entire book of Nehemiah centers around the rebuilding of the broken down wall around Jerusalem. Nehemiah motivated the people of God saying, “Come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach” (Neh. 2:17).

Why are walls so important?

1.   Walls speak of SECURITY. We are protected by walls. Would you live in a house without walls? Would you put your money in a bank that had no walls?

2.  Walls speak of SEPARATION.  Walls separate and divide. A wall draws a line and makes a border.  Walls say to it’s occupants: “Stay inside” (safety zone); Walls say to its enemies: “Stay out” (combat zone).

God wants His people to be separate (Luke 15:51-53; 2 Cor. 6:14-17). I will not remove the doctrinal distinctives that make me a Bible believing Baptist. I must maintain the walls of moral purity that keep my conscience clear.

3.  Walls speak of STRENGTH. A city’s walls was a testimony of it’s strength. God told Jeremiah, “Behold, I have made thee this day a DEFENSED city, and an iron pillar, and  brasen WALLS against the whole land…” (1:18). You will only be as strong a Christian as the walls you have established around your spiritual life.

Let’s maintain our spiritual walls, not tear them down!

2 Replies to “BUILD WALLS”

  1. Dear Bro. Al,

    Excellent devotion. Doctrine today is considerered argumentative. Thank you for your ministry brother. Bro. Phil

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