Building Character or Polishing Personality?

Building Character or Polishing Personality?

Partial Outline: FULL PDF HERE

“The integrity of the upright shall guide them… “—Proverbs 11:3

It has been said, “Character is either something you have or something you are!” Rather than being a character we should all strive to be people OF character.

The word “character” does not occur in the Bible. Two Bible words for character are:

(1) INTEGRITY. Webster defines integrity— “An unimpaired condition or sound adherence to a code of moral values, and the quality or state of being complete and undivided.”

(2) VIRTUE (Proverbs 31:10 refers to “a virtuous woman”—A woman of character.)

Never confuse someone’s character with their personality.

I.  The DIFFERENCES between character and personality:

Character is built—Personality is something we are born with.

Character is a matter of choice—Personality is a matter of heredity.

II.  The DEVELOPMENT of character.

Our focus should be to build character in our lives. Sometimes people try to cover their lack of character by merely polishing their personality.

A. Character is developed in a closet—what a person does when he knows no one is watching him.

B. Men of character do not seek revenge when wronged (e.g. Joseph).

C. Men of character are not perfect. When they sin, they will own up to their sin, confess it, and repent (2 Sam. 12).

Partial Outline: FULL PDF HERE

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