He was a burning and a shining light. ?John 5:35

John the Baptist had both heat and light. This is a combination seldom found in most Christians. Some have lots of heat, but they need light—wisdom, guidance. Some have light, but it is cold—there is no fire, no warmth. Someone has said, “Youth has fire without light and age has light without fire.”

Satan knows nothing of balance. He would have the extreme of hotheaded ignorance or cold-hearted knowledge. The wild street preacher, screaming and hollering, needs to burn less and shine more. The cold, intellectual pastor in stiff Sunday-morning formalism needs to shine less and burn more.

John the Baptist burned and shone. “Stir up the gift of God…” “Let your light so shine…” Give us more witnesses with both heat and light!

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  1. Dear Pastor Hughes,
    I have found that I like what you have had to say on many things as I have read through your posts, I have often said and taught that the best “light” or example that we can set for others in winning the lost is to indeed “live it” ourselves, not so much in words but indeed in actions, so goes the saying “actions speak louder than words”. And the best “fire” that we can show is that of God’s Spirit that dwells inside us as we heed His leadership and always show love to others, regardless. To be sure not to look upon the outward appearance with condemnation and judgement but try to see them as God does, with eyes full of love. My words that I use in everyday living is…”It is a love walk”. God Bless Brother Hughes.

    Norma Johnson

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