“But Prayer…”

“But Prayer…”

“Peter therefore was kept in prison; BUT PRAYER was made without ceasing of the church for him” —Acts 12:5

Acts 12 shows what can be done when a church goes to prayer! The chapter starts with SOCIETY in opposition to the church (12:1). The SAINTS make intercession to the Lord (12:5). Then the SOVEREIGN God makes intervention in answer to prayer (12:7-10). The one who vexes the church in the beginning (12:1) ends up worm food before the chapter is over (12:23).

The turning point was prayer (v. 5— “…BUT PRAYER was made…”). Prayer is the turning point in any crisis situation. It was in the case of Hannah’s barrenness (1 Sam. 1:10-20); Israel besieged by the Assyrians (2 Kings 19:14-20); Hezekiah’s fatal disease (2 Kings 20:1-6); the conspiracy against Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls (Neh. 4:9); the turning of Job’s captivity (Job 42:10); and Jonah in the belly of the whale (Jonah 2:1). PRAYER CHANGES THINGS (2 Chron. 30:18-20).

Are you in a crisis situation. It can be turned around through prayer.

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