Checking the Church's Life Signs
Rev. 3:1, 15, 16
Body temperature tells a lot about a person’s health. It is the first thing they check when you visit the doctor’s office.
A person who is sick is listless instead of zealous.
A healthy church is a fervent church that is zealous and lively.
The following are some external gauges of a church’s spiritual temperature.
I. Enthusiastic in soul winning — Are people excited about getting people saved?
II. Exuberance in singing– Is the singing half-hearted?
III. Earnestness in supplications — How fervent are we praying?
IV. Enjoyment in stewardship — Are we Cheerful givers.
V. Eagerness in study — How eager are they to study the Word of God?
VI. Excellence in service. — Do you do your best, or do you do just enough to get by? How long does it take to get volunteers?
VII. Exultation in suffering– What is your attitude during suffering?